Surf is up _ Atelier Lise Juel udvalgt til deltage i LOA fondens landsdækkende initiativ for Strandrummets liv og rammer.


LOA Fonden har udpeget ”Maritimt Samlingshus”, et græsrodsprojekt skabt af Hornbæk Surfklub og Atelier Lise Juel, til at deltage i et udviklingsforløb sammen med 9 andre kystnære projekter i Danmark og på Færøerne.

Se link om LOA fondens launch af kampagnen.

Projektet er helt særligt for mig som surfer og lokal engageret Hornbækker. Og jeg er utroligt glad for at projektet er kommet i selskab med megadygtige inspirerende græsrødder og arkitekter – så vi endelig kan få realiseret et samlingssted ved Hornbæk strand for surfere, vinterbadere, skolebørn, kajakroere, naturinteresserede, livreddere og alle andre vandentusiaster, der elsker det blå….

Lise Juels projekt FURESØ udvalgt til at være med i Arkitektens nye bog om smukke enfamiliehuse de sidste 100 år


60 Small Houses – Danish Architecture 1915–2023. The 60 selected examples in this guidebook date from 1915– 2023 and provides a richly illustrated overview of Danish architecture across a timespan of more than 100 years. The presentation includes professional architecture photographs, scale drawings, factual details and brief quotes from descriptions over the years incl. a handy name index.

Det arkitekttegnede enfamiliehus udgør en betydningsfuld del af fortællingen om dansk arkitektur. De 60 eksempler i denne guidebog er udvalgt fra perioden 1915 til 2023 og har alle tidligere været offentliggjort i et af de danske arkitekturtidsskrifter Arkitekten eller Arkitektur DK. Husene præsenteres med professionelle arkitekturfotografier, tegninger i målestok, faktuelle oplysninger samt med korte citater fra beskrivelser gennem tiden.  Med en kort introduktion og et afsluttende indeks gives en rigt illustreret oversigt over dansk arkitektur i en periode på mere end 100 år.

arkitekten guide enfamiliehuse boligarkitektur

Det gode liv – Journalist Anne Gad fra “Hornbækliv” kommer tæt på Lise Juel i artikel om livet i balance, surf og tegnestue i Hornbæks fiskerleje.


Iværksætteri arkitektur boligarkitektur Surf det gode liv

Arkitekturprisen 2023 vandt Lise Juel


Lise Juel fik overrakt Arkitekturprisen 2023 for landstedet “Family Country House” der ligger i et naturskønt område syd for Silkeborg. Overrækkelsen fandt sted mandag d. 2.10.23 med følgende ord fra dommerne:

Projektet præmieres for at skabe en forbilledlig helhed af landskab og bygning på et helt særligt og smukt sted. Bygningen er levende, dragende og skulpturel, og projektet er både smukt materialiseret og sikkert detaljeret. Projektet fremviser i alle skaler og sammenhænge et stort overskud og bliver et naturligt fokuspunkt i området. Projektet husker os på, at der på de smukkeste steder skal bygges med de største ambitioner og i samspil med det landskab, man indtager.

Foto af den anerkendte arkitekturfotograf Jens Lindhe –  se mere om Jens på


023_Family Country House


ALJ recently completed this country house, a wooden expressive building surrounded by a stunning  landscape for a large family living together in different ways …..

Architectural photographer Jens Lindhe will photograph the completed house in September, and we are looking forward to see the results…

Boligarkitekt landsted countryhouse bolig bæredygtig landskab cedertræ træbeklædning

Copyright Atelier Lise Juel

028_Maritimt Samlingshus i samarbejde med LOA fonden


ALJ er med i initiativgruppen for det Maritime Samlingshus i Hornbæk.
Vi er nu i samarbejde med LOA fonden om et indledende forløb for udvikle projektet, og på sigt realisere dette fantastiske nye mødested i samarbejde med Helsingør Kommune og andre aktører.

01_Skrænten – revisited


ALJ revisited the project “Skrænten” recently and it was great to see that the building and it’s western Red Cedar facades are in excellent shape in spite of the tough weathering of the exposed location. Also the architectural expression still seems relevant. The timeless quality of architecture is essential to us.

018 _ Housing “Gammel Strand” now published in Arkitekten



Utzon Uncovered by Lise Juel BOOK RELEASE.


Writing this book i dialogue with Hélène Binet´s unique photos, was an amazing way of getting closure with  my restoration of Jørn Utzon´s house in Mallorca “Can Lis”. We worked for a week on site, in Can Lis, and the “roadbook” nature of the book was founded during these days.

The graphic designers MGMT made an excellent job, and made sure that the book stay as powerful as the nature of Can Lis.


Utzon Uncovered, by Lise Juel. Published by Rizzoli New York

Reaching out for the treetops


The wooden construction of one of the towers of the writer and yoga retreat in the forest has now been completed.

Rizzoli Book release coming up october 2020: “Utzon Uncovered” by Lise Juel & photos Hélène Binet


Construction Site: Tree Top Retreat

Construction Site Lise Juel Architecture arkitektur Nordsjælland

New Country Residence

ALJ has been assigned to create a new country residence in a beautiful landscape situated in Jutland

Plan Skitse ALJ Arkitektur

Plan Sketch _ Lise Juel

Lise Juel appointed mentor for Dreyers Foundation


Lise Juel has been appointed to mentor and guide new architectural firms. Dreyers Foundation selects every year the most promising new practices and team them up with a mentor.

Link press release: Dreyersfond

Spatial Surgery: Re_Think Funkis


Re-model of a classic funkis house, Frederiksberg.

Uncovering the true potential and character of a house. Letting in light, making it airy and interesting. ALJ re_think the spatial flow and execute a spatial surgery, in order to transform the experience of the house, so it becomes a framework for new spatial experiences full of life.

Restaurering Funkis Villa Klassisk Frederiksberg


Lise Juel in conversation with Momoyo Kajima: Book release from Hirmer Verlag Architects on Architects


This Summer: Rizzoli New York, Bookproject – Helene Binet and Lise Juel – at the Iconic Can Lis


Lise Juel is collaborating with the world renowned architectural photographer Helene Binet, in order to create an extraordinary publication about Utzon seen through the different lenses of Binet and Juel. The book will be published by Rizzoli, New York.


Tree Top Retreat

ALJ has been assigned to create a TreeTopRetreat with yoga/writing facilities on a slope in the forest

Lise Juel Tree Top House

Atelier Lise Juel

Lise Juel´s restoration of the iconic Can Lis by Utzon, published in the Danish magazine Børsen Pleasure



ALJ receives Building Award 2018 for Strandvilla housing


Atelier Lise Juel received the Best building award 2018 / “Arkitekturprisen 2018” at the City Hall of Fredensborg Denmark on the 9th of May 2018. The award is given for the best new building in the Municipality of Fredensborg for the last three years.

A playful Japanese Interior – recently completed


Japaneese Interior wood black wire forest plywood birch

Photo: Atelier Lise Juel

SKRÆNTEN _ new photos_


Skrænten sommerhus holiday home wood detail

Foto: Jens Linde

Atelier Lise Juel now on Instagram


Check out our Instagram Profile at #atelierlisejuel

Feature in: “Strandvejsmagasinet”. In occasion of Architecture Award


Atelier Lise Juel Featured in Strandvejsmagasinet

Atelier Lise Juel

2 ALJ housing projects nominated for best building award 2018


The municipality of Fredensborg has actually nominated both the “Strandvilla” and the “Gammel Strand” project for the same best building award 2018.

Munich June 2018: Momoyo Kajima & Lise Juel in Utzon conversation


The Technical University of Munich is celebrating its 150 years and has invited Momoyo Kajima from Atelier Bow_Wow and Lise Juel for a conversation about Jørn Utzon 29th of June 2018. The conversation is followed up by a lecture by Momoyo Kajima.

ALJ housing project “Gammel Strand” nominated for best building award.


Atelier Lise Juel has been nominated for the annual best building award in the municipality of Fredensborg. The concerned project is the housing project “Gammel Strand”.

Award Arkitektegnet Villa Nordsjælland Gammelstrand Atelier Lise Juel





Lise Juel receives grant from the Danish Arts Foundation


Lise Juel has been awarded a grant from the Danish Arts Foundation to pursue and develop her artistic and architectural work further.

Lise Juel lecture at the University of Lund Sweden


A lecture on built and unbuilt works of Atelier Lise Juel the 16th of March 2018 in Lund.

ALJ studio moves to the North Shore

ALJ has moved the office up to the North Shore of Zealand to new inspiring surroundings…

ALJ Furesø project featured in “Arkitekten” issue


The Furesø project was recently featured in the “Small houses issue” of the Danish Architectural Magazine “Arkitekten”.

ALJ Humleby transformation featured in DR 1


ALJ transformation project in Humleby was recently featured in DR 1 “Kender du Typen”

Atelier Lise Juel

Ⓒ Photo Nina Marquardsen

Kender du typen Lise Juel architecture tv

A+U Essay by Lise Juel


A+U July 17- Lise Juel guest editor on Melancholy Issue

8 pages in the exclusive architecture magazine: Nytt Rom Nr 52


architecture magazine spread Lise Juel

Atelier Lise Juel

Nytt Rom portraits Atelier Lise Juel


ALJ and Lise Juel portraited in Norwegian Nytt Rom 52 2016

Furesø – construction site


Furesø Construction site

Landstedet on the cover of A+U April


Atelier Lise Juel

Work in progress-Danseplads i Kolding


Atelier Lise Juel-Danseplads

© Atelier Lise Juel

New project – Gammelstrand


Atelier Lise Juel

Sundvillaen- New photos of Jens Lindhe


Atelier Lise Juel

© Jens Lindhe 2015

ALJ receives grant from Dreyers Fond


ALJ receives a grant from Dreyer’s Foundation for the Can Lis book project.

Utzon Centre revisited


På sporet af Utzon_forside

Lise Juel revisited Utzon Centre as invited speaker on in the lecture series of Realdania, October 31st 2015.
Other lectures in the series is by Carsten Thau on Arne Jacobsen in SAS-royal hotel.

ALJ feature in Danish magazine RUM


RUM-november 2015-feature_BW

The restoration by ALJ of Jørn Utzon’s house, Can Lis in Mallorca is featured in this months issue of the Danish magazine RUM

Realdania lecture by Lise Juel in Utzon Centre


Atelier Lise Juel

Foto: Torben Eskerod/Jens Lindhe

Solid wood elements


Assembly of the solid wood elements completed at the construction site towards Øresund

Lakeview project


ALJ has been commissioned to design a villa on a sloping site overlooking the Furesø Lake. The conditions of the programme is to unfold an architectural frame that embraces life between the hilly forest slopes and the lake shore.

ALJ in the media


Lise Juel will be talking about Jørn Utzon’s “Kingo houses” and Bagsværd church in the TV programme “Hammerslag” on DR1 this March. We would like to thank Realdania Byg for making it possible to visit the house on extremely short notice.

Dance Pavilion


The Danish Foundation for Culture and Sports Facilities has appointed us as one of three firms to design dance pavilions in 3 different locations. Kolding Kommune have been chosen as our site and collaborator. The other chosen offices are KATO & MAY and Primus.

A+U visiting from Japan





Atelier Lise Juel are always seeking talented, curious and dedicated intern(s). Send a short introduction and samples of your work to:

Steiner philosophy and architecture



Atelier Lise Juel
We are currently working on the transformation of the Rudolf Steiner kindergarten “Bonsai” – an architecture that responds to the innovative and caring pedagogics of this inspiring place in the woods.

Breaking ground – Townhouse transformation in ‘Humleby’


Construction begins at ALJ town house transformation project next week.

Lakehouse programming


On a sloping beautiful site overlooking the lake and hilly landscape of North Zealand, we are commissioned to develop a complex programme for a contemporary family.

Utzon’s Fredensborg housing


Atelier Lise Juel are presently developing the restoration strategy of Utzon’s Fredensborg Housing for The Danish Agency for Culture.

ALJ Lecture at Henning Larsen


Lise Juel lectures has been invited to give a lecture at Henning Larsen Architects about the restoration of Can Lis.

Utzon Symposium Sydney 7-9th March


Lise Juel will be speaking at the conference on Saturday March 8th, 2014.

New Location


ALJ moves to a new office together with Svendborg Architects. Our new address: Bredgade 25E, DK-1260 Copenhagen.

Sustainability in focus


ALJ is commissioned to design a state of the art sustainable home at the seaside north of Copenhagen.

Can Lis book project


ALJ receives a generous grant from Dreyer’s Foundation for the Can Lis book project.

Conference in Byggeriets Hus


Lise Juel will be given a lecture 6-11-13 about work of Atelier Lise Juel. Other keynote speakers are Peter Thule Kristensen: “Bindesbøll and the techtonics” & Trine Neble about the practice of EMA.

Landscape furniture


Atelier Lise Juel Vandkunsten Hammershus besøgscenter - visitorscenter

In a landscape situated by the seaside ALJ has designed a number of objects that densify the space and create places to meet and enjoy the magnificent seaview.

Hammershus Visitor Center


Today the team with Vandkunsten, ALJ, PK3, Steenbergs Tegnestue & WSP has handed in the proposal for the visitor center. The winner will be announced in November.

Book about the restoration of Can Lis


ALJ is presently writing the book about the restoration and the architectural philosophy behind Can Lis. Yoshiharu Tsukamoto will be contributing to the book with an essay. The book is to be published in 2014.

Hammershus Visitor Center


Atelier Lise Juel has been pre-qualified to participate in the competition of Hammershus Visitor Center in a team with Tegnestuen Vandkunsten, PK3, Steenbergs Tegnestue and WSP.

Visiting Can Lis


Yoshiharu Tsukamoto in A+U report on Can Lis.

A+U link


A+U Special Issue March 2013: “CAN LIS Jørn Utzon’s House on Majorca”

Review in Politiken


Atelier Lise Juel Bow-Wow

5 stars in major Danish newspaper.

Exhibition opening


Atelier Lise Juel

Photos © Jens Morten

Curated by ALJ


Atelier Lise Juel

March 2013 A+U Special Issue


Atelier Lise Juel

Can Lis after the restoration by Atelier Lise Juel for The Utzon Foundation.

Kingo Housing


ALJ are restoring the famous Kingo Housing built by Jørn Utzon in 1960. The construction work is now in progress.

The Danish Arts Agency


Lise Juel receives the prestigious grant form The Danish Arts Agency in 2012 to develop her artistic and architectonic work further.

Helsinki Central Library


Arkitekt Lise Juel har indgået samarbejde med en af de mest bæredygtige innovative ingeniør firmaer i Australien Steensen&Varming, Sydney om udviklingen af konkurrencen om Helsinkis nye Stadsbibliotek.

Can Lis


Atelier Lise Juel


Can Lis


Atelier Lise Juel

Byggemøde på Mallorca 13. september 2010.

Årets byggeri i Silkeborg


Atelier Lise Juel

Landstedet udført af arkitekt Lise Juel 2011 er udnævnt til Årets byggeri i Silkeborg kommune.

Can Lis


Atelier Lise Juel


Rejsegilde ved Øresund


Atelier Lise Juel

Tegnestuen besigtigede tagfladen, hvor den krystalinske tagform begynder at tegne sig. Vi ser frem til den diagonale lægning af OTTA skiferen.

Can Lis


Atelier Lise Juel

Presseklip i Ultima Hora.

Årets bedste byggeri?


Landstedet udført af Arkitekt Lise Juel er nomineret til årets byggeri i Silkeborg kommune.

Arkitekt Lise Juel ApS


Arkitekt Lise Juel er per dags dato registreret som et anpartsselskab.

BowWow learning from Utzon


Atelier Lise Juel

ALJ is curating the exhibition of BowWow in Utzon Centre Aalborg. Next week our office is in Tokyo discussing the initial sketches with BowWow

Excavating Utzon II


Atelier Lise Juel

Architect Lise Juel is presently restoring one of Jørn Utzon’s Kingo houses for the foundation Realdania. Last week Lise Juel presented the strategy for te restoration to the public.

Can Lis


Atelier Lise Juel

Pressemøde 30. marts 2011 på tegnestuen om overdragelsen af Can Lis og de fremtidige renoveringsplaner.

Skrænten – byggepladsmøde


Atelier Lise Juel

Med udsigt over Kattegat.

Landstedet – et omrids


Atelier Lise Juel

2010-10-05 Byggeplads



Atelier Lise Juel

Afprøvning af indgangsparti til Landstedet.



Atelier Lise Juel

Fase: Myndighedsprojekt



Atelier Lise Juel

Fase: Projektforslag